Paraffin for histology.
High purity
DMSO free
Microtome cutting of very thin sections
Melting point: 56°-58°C
Composed by solid hydrocarbons mixture and manufactured using a purification process to remove contaminants, Diawax is in white drops, translucent, odorless, stable and easy to handle.
Technical features
Paraffin wax for tissue processing and embedding for histological specimen. Our Paraffin wax is composed by solid hydrocarbons mixture.
Manufactured using a purification process to remove contaminants in white drops for an easy dispensing and melting. Specific for Anatomic Pathology labs.
Available in two different melting points: 52-54°C and 56-58°C to satisfy every lab needs DMSO free NON-TOXIC.
For the correct use of Diawax it is necessary to maintain its temperature close to the melting point.
At 10°C below the melting point, Diawax begins to solidify although macroscopically appears liquid, interfering on the impregnation process and specimen microtome cutting.